The following text is an extract from a project I am working on. [The project] It concerns mainly with inquiring into the prior misconceptions of the Gender(s), and its inclination and disposition, and therewith understanding the unknown issues regarding the Sexes with an emphasis on Husserl phenomenological reduction, Èpoche.
I have a life. I have a home. I have all I need. Also, I am a human, thus I am conscious. Why is there still something wrong in everything, and everything wrong in nothing?
Once, a wise man told me to let the wind flow me around, thus, so that I could see how that is not possible, perhaps that is what our ignorant greediness demonstrates. We are given an opportunity to enjoy, to make the most out of, yet all we do is seek faults in it, we want it all to end in failure (hopefully just unconsciously). Why do we insult ourselves in the worst way possible? Why do we follow the lead of the declining Sun?
When we look at ourselves in the mirror, what do we see; failure or a spark of hope - and what should it tell us? That we are neither failure nor a spark of hope, instead, we are just conscious beings interpreting our state of being, and what Being is, no, alas, surely there must be more to it…or perhaps the truth to be told is that we are just interpretations of ourselves and the universe that is spinning in and around us. But if we are, as the tale tells us, mere interpretations, how is it possible that the interpretation is declining like the sun, or is the fault to be found in the Man making the interpretation, or the Man daring to inquire about the interpretation as well as the interpreter?
Returning to our original question on why we are like the declining sun, we have some interpretation (ironically) to do. This problemo needs some sense stirred into. Obviously, to understand the problemo hereafter by a sense of the logical. Then time must be to adhere to a descriptive, pragmatic, or realistic perspective or example. Hitherto [through the history of Mankind] we have understood that we are neither as good as we are made to be, nor as vicious as we were made to be. We have shaped and adapted towards an intermediate. But we are not as virtuous as we could be. Therefore we have a sense of purpose in the man-made creation of right and wrong, (righteousness is only a religious falsity supposedly made spiritually by the hands of God). We say that thou has sinned if henceforth thou has acted against thee (Your Highness); we say that thou has sinned if thou has opposed thine principles of right and wrong; sinned as in taking the right and wrong into thy perspective. One cannot say what is right and wrong, it is merely right and wrong, and we must know it all, a priori, one could say. But what has thou done, if it is neither sin nor virtue, nor the opposition of the right and wrong, and the concept of sin and virtue we have created - has she done right in following the declining sun, as in being not content with her current state of Being? Or rather the forces of intersubjectivity and so forth, in the interpretation of what she must be…? Has it made her question the opportunity; to not be content with Being equal or merely equal as much as is humanly possible, with the inherent differences of the Gender, intertwined, and what about the inclinations…